Post by starlingshour on Jan 11, 2009 14:07:41 GMT -5
Time For....Her eyelids were heavey but still she walked on. The familiar scent of pine needles made her smile. Home at last! She sighed. Unfortunately her partner could not hear her sigh.
Fallen pine needles softens their foot falls. She trodded back towards the end of her terra to the small stream that ran through her land. The clear water pushed its way between the rocks and stones within the river.
Keen heard a rustle behind her. Twirling quickly, but silently, she faced the 'intruder'. Three deer stood by a bush around fifty wolf lengths away. Flicking her tail on the other wolf's shoulder she pointed out the deer. Throwing her head toward them she tried to imply that he should help her hunt them.
She stalked forward toward the deer. When she was only ten wolf lengths away they spotted them. They ran; and she ran. Keen could not tell wether or not the wolf followed her. Her paws slamped against the ground at such speed that she soon ran ahead of the smallest deer. The largest doe was in the front. Pushing herself to her limits she passed the second deer, a buck. The doe swirved in front of her and darted to her left. Keen turned sharply and ran beside the doe. That's when she sprang. Her claws dug into the flesh of the doe. Keen bit down on the deer's neck making for a quick and easy kill. The doe crumpled to the ground; dead.
Keen looked behind her. Where was the other wolf? Had he followed her? She shrugged. The smell would bring him to the kill she had just made....hopefully....Dinner
Post by lunamist on Jan 12, 2009 18:16:12 GMT -5
Bryant smelled the rich smell of fresh blood and walked to it hoping that Keen wouldn't be mad at him for trying to steel her kill of the doe. He did not larch at the prey like usual. He slowly walked toward the meat and Keen. They made eye contact and Bryant knew that he could eat peacefully. He then through himself into the meat and started gulping down the doe. All his life with his mother, she always brought him the left overs so he stopped, ripped off a piece and started digging a hole where he would store the doe's meat even though it would be spoiled when he came back to get it. He heard a bird chirp. But how could that be? He thought he was deaf and he was pretty sure that Keen thought that too. "I can hear! I can hear! Keen I can't believe it! I can hear!" He shouted.
Post by starlingshour on Jan 12, 2009 20:27:26 GMT -5
What A...Ripping apart the skin of the deer she started to eat the loin. It was her favorite part. She was licking her chops as footsteps came from behind her. Turning she seen the wolf standing there. He gestured towards the doe, wondering if he could eat. Keen smiled and nodded her head. The brown in her orbs sparkled as if looking at a swirl of dark chocolate.
He seemed as if he was digging into the deer like it would be his last meal. Most likely it was his first meal in weeks. Keen was happy that she could provide it for him. Sitting down on her haunched she just watched him. Finishing his meal he took some left over scraps and proceeded to burry them. She knew they would spoil but why ruin his fun? Then he jolted, as if he was shocked! Keen stood ready to come to his aide. What had happened?
I can hear! I can hear! Keen I can't believe it! I can hear!
His words stunned her to silence. She walked over to him. Her pads hit the soft pine needles comforting her by the shock. If this was true then a miracle certaintly had happened. Numbly she moved forward circling him.
I...I...can't believe it..
He beamed; so happy. What had occurred here? Had there really been a miracle? Her banner flicked happily but her eyes scwinted; still not sure wether to believe it or not.
I am so happy for you....umm.... What is your name?
Keen stumbled over her words. Her amazement grew as he seemed to turn to her at her words. When he did that it was too much for her. The pine needles softened her fall as she landed on her knees. Tears slid down her face.
Why the heck am I so happy? I just met you!
She laughed with glee and wiped her tears. Standing again she went and rubbed her body against his is a sort of hug....Miracle